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*微处理电路提供高精确测量.亦提供特殊的功能和特色.*超大液晶显示器.可调整最好观看角度之对比.*双窗口液晶显示器.*记录最大值.最小值.平均值.*自动关机功能.延长电池寿命.*工作电压为9伏特电池.*RS 232计算机连接接口.*容许宽范围的测量.或照度和??烛光两种单位选择.*光的相对值(比较值)测定%.*可选择光的类型.(钨丝灯.荧光灯.日光.水银灯)*归零调整按钮. 一般规格: 线路设 Custom one-chip of micro-processor LSI circuit. 归零调整 By push button. 显示器 *13 mm(0.5") Super large LCD display with contrast adjustment for best viewing angle.*Dual function meters display. 取样时间 Approx. 0.4 sec. 测量范围 Lux:0-50,000 Lux, 3 ranges. 自动关机 Auto shut off saves battery life, ormanual off by push button. Foot-candle (Fc) :0-5,000Fc, 3 ranges. 数据输出 RS 232 PC serial interface. Relativity: 0-max. 100% to 1999%.(depend measuring range measuring value) 过载指示 Indication of"-------". 单位选择 Daylight or Tungsten,Fluorescent, Mercury lamp 操作温度 0℃to 50℃(32?to 122?). 操作湿度 Less than 80% RH. 感应器 T... [详细介绍] |